United Public Schools

Descriptor Code: FFF
Social Events
The school sponsors certain events during the year for the entertainment of the students. Social events and dances are to be held of Friday or Saturday nights (with the exception of homecoming activities). Sponsoring groups must consult with their advisor and see that the following are observed.
(1) Organizations desiring to schedule social events and meetings must request reservation dates on the school calendar.
(2) All requests must be cleared through the principal’s office.
(3) Arrange for change so that the ticket takers will be properly supplied.
(4) Arrange to have a minimum of four chaperones. Preferably two of the chaperones should be teachers.
(5) Students desiring to attend school dances or other evening functions must come at the time set for the function or shortly thereafter. The doors will be locked within one hour after the time set for the function to begin. Students should remain until it is over. Students leaving before the dance is over will not be allowed to return.
(6) The school board gives the administration the authority to utilize a breathalyzer for any school event.

Field Trips
Conducted tours to museums, parks, industries, and other places of educational interest are sponsored by the school district for the additional education of pupils but with no assumption of liability or responsibility by the school district or any member thereof. No pupil shall be permitted to participate in any field trip involving vehicular transportation unless he shall first have obtained written permission from a parent. There will not be any senior “skip day.” Eighth grade students are to spend one day each year in Bismarck.